I ( and many others ) have a lot media files ( mp3, jpg, avi, etc. ) lying around in the system. I wondered that how shall I get the list of all the duplicate files lying in my computer. Writing a script in Ruby which identifies the duplicate files using the MD5 hash values of the files contents, was no difficult a task. Here is the script.
## This file finds all the duplicate files form a directory given
## at the command line.
## Released under the GPLv2
## Copyright (C) tuxdna(at)gmail(dot)com
require 'digest/md5'
## novice use of exceptions
throw nil if ARGV.length == 0
print "Usage: ", $0, " \n"
exit 1
directory = ARGV[0]
print "Name of directory given is :", directory, "\n"
## do not proceed if it is not a directory
exit 1 if File.file?(directory)
puts "Getting the list recursively, for all the files and sub-directories."
filelist = Dir[directory+"/**/*"]
puts "Now scanning the files: "
puts "Determining file size and Filtering the directories:"
sizehash = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
filelist.each do |filename|
if File.file?(filename)
## prune those entries which do not have same size
sizehash.delete_if { |k,v| v.length<=1 }
duplicates_md5 = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
sizehash.each do | size, files |
files.each do |filename|
md5sum = Digest::MD5.new( File.new(filename).read )
## Necessary to do this because md5sum is an object of class Digest::MD5
## and we need a string for a key!!
md5sum = md5sum.to_s
## prune those entries which do not have same md5 hash value
duplicates_md5.delete_if { |k, v| v.length <= 1 }
## print the files if we find duplicates now!
duplicates_md5.each do |h, files|
puts "Following files match: "
files.each { |f| puts f }
exit 0