For past few weeks I have been gathering my notes on two topics: Machine Learning with Apache Mahout and Programming in Scala. Now I have created two repositories for these two books, with source-code in AsciiDoc format. They are avilable on GitHub. Machine Learning with Apache Mahout Programming in Scala Read on!

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Everytime I load a heavy application such as Eclipse or Thunderbird, I see this annoying message which keeps repeating even if I press «Wait». "Eclipse" is not responding. You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the application to quit entirely. [Force Quit] [Wait] I tried to search for a solution and found that the question is unanswered in both Ubuntu forum as well as Fedora forum.

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OAuth2.0 supercedes OAuth1.0 protocol, specifically in making it simpler to use. It supports different workflows as described in its specification RFC-6749. The most concise pictorial representation I found is here. I created a Play! 2.0 Application in Scala which supports server to server token exchange using OAuth2.0 Protocol. You can find the project source code on GitHub at play-oauth2-server. Its a complete working server codebase, with: Basic User login Client registration with Callback URL Auth Code generation Authentication Token and Refresh Token generation This application also demonstrates the following:

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This post is about the talk I was supposed to give at Ruby Camp 2014, Delhi/NCR. After all the preparation, slides and code I missed it. Unfortunately, I fell sick overnight and I couldn’t make it. Apologies for that. The best I could do is upload all the material online on GitHub and my website. the code is on GitHub at this repository: tuxdna/rubyml. the generated slides are also online here Thats all!

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Lets say you have a bunch of source code files in a project. Whenever you change them, you want some HTML to be generated. After that you go to browser to see how the change looks now. Here is the workflow: Step 1: Change file(s) Step 2: Run a build script to generate HTML Step 3: Open / Reload the page in browser Well we can automate all the three steps into one using a couple of tools and some scripting magic.

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I was using Chromium Browser on Linux, to see World Cup 2014 videos on YouTube. Some videos were not available in my region because of restrictions by region. If you are also seeng the same message, the you may want to setup a SOCKS proxy, and use that to bypass the YouTube restriction. For this to work, you need an SSH server what is located in some region from where you can access such videos.

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Download the Scala IDE from here, unzip it at ~/software/scala-eclipse, such that the contents look as follows: $ pwd /home/saleem/software/scala-eclipse $ ls artifacts.xml configuration eclipse eclipse.ini epl-v10.html features icon.xpm META-INF notice.html p2 plugins readme Create a launcher script for Scala IDE /bin/scala-ide, and make it executable: $ cat /bin/scala-ide #!/bin/bash /home/saleem/software/scala-eclipse/eclipse $ chmod +x /bin/scala-ide Configure launcher icon ~/.local/share/applications/scala-ide.desktop. You can copy a config file from /usr/share/applications/ directory and make changes as follows:

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This post is coming after a long time. Apologies for that. Alright, this one is for the fans of Apache Mahout and Scala programming language. I had given a talk on Machine Learning with Apache Mahout and Scala ( slides ) at The code examples are present on GitHub at this repo.

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I attended BootConf 2014 today. The day began with Arduino for Robotics by Naveen Kumar. It was such a wonderful 1 hour session, purely demo based, and very interactive. Second talk was Varnish Caching Server by Vivek Gupta. Vivek explanined how a caching server fits in a clustered environment and what all things that we can do with Varnish. Next was my talk Introduction to Scala. You can find the slides here, and all the code for demo at this GitHub repository.

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Last week, I setup the infrastructure for BootConf 2014 website and its deployment workflow. Essentially the website is based on Octopress with a mix of Git + SSH to ensure we deploy to a staging site first and then to the live site. Its all working nice for us. Octopress Setup Here is how I set it up: On a server machine On a staging server setup two Git+SSH Repositories or you can use GitHub for this step.

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UNIX and heavy duty printing This weekend I had to ensure that the posters get done within two days. The challenge was that on Monday it was Holi ( the festival of colors ), so naturally no designing and printing available on Monday. Thankfully my friend was there for all the professional help, all the way from designing till printing. Here in the pic is Saleem Ahamed standing besides the posters, who helped with all the designing and priting of BootConf 2014 posters.

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One more week to go We had a great day today in the planning meeting. First of all it was a nice get-together of some oldies and new members to JMILUG team :-).

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I had to parse a Wikipedia XML Dump ( 44GB XML file uncompressed ). The XML dump is available here, and I have also created a smaller sample file to run this code: sample wiki.xml file. Below is the XML event based parser using Scala’s XMLEventReader: package xml import import scala.xml.pull._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import import import scala.xml.XML object wikipedia extends App { val xmlFile = args(0) val outputLocation = new File(args(1)) val xml = new XMLEventReader(Source.

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Attendees: Hammad Haleem Saleem Ansari Pankaj Sharma Safiyat Reza Umar Ahmad Vivek Gupta Sawood Alam Viupl Nayyar Amit Shah There wasn’t a pre-defined agenda so the discussion took its own course. We discussed about many things: Sawood Alam shared his work he is doing in his research group at the Old Dominion University. Vivek Gupta shared what kind of challenging problems he is working on. Vipul Nayyar shared his GSoC experience during RTEMS project.

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First of all I was surprised that an event specifically targeted towards Scala was happening in India and very fortunately in New Delhi itself. I attend the ScalaTraits 2013 event in New Delhi a couple of days back. The event was put together by Knoldus, a company specializing exclusively in Scala and related technologies. Goodies at #scaltraits #scala #play #akka — tuxdna (@tuxdna) August 24, 2013 The agenda was like this:

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Deleting Spam on website After FUDCon Pune event in 2011, the website has been running as is. Just a couple of days back, I noticed a lot of spam accumulated on the website. However it is that content which is not displayed on the website, unless you know its URL. I located the last known sane activity and began estimating how much spam content I have to delete. Here I use Drush and a simple PHP script.

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Connecting to Remote Desktop from Linux machine is easy. Invoke the following command rdesktop -r sound=local -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -z -g '80%' -a 15 -u -p - -d MYDOMAIN Above command does the following: Forwards remote sound to local machine Enables clipboard sharing Uses compression Makes the remote desktop screen to 80% of the local machine's screen Uses 15bit color depth on the remote desktop With user name user.

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This post is the continuation of my earlier post about Juniper VPN. In the earlier post, I connected to VPN using a login/password/certification combination. Now I also managed to use the ncui tool for the connection which is based on a cookie value and a certificate. I wasn’t able to connect to this configuration using the method in my previous post. $ ./ncui -h -c DSID="YOUR_DSID_COOKIE" -f Password: <ENTER SUDO PASSWORD HERE> Here, first you need to login to your vpn domain from a web-browser.

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I wanted to experiment with creating a Fedora 19 compute node on Fedora 19 + OpenStack. However it seems there are a bunch of issues which need to be fixed. The issues and solutions are already recorded by many people. I list the highlights: MySQL Server in Fedora 19 is actually MariaDB Server Keystone log file needs to be chowned to keyston:keystone Fedora 19 doesnt have kvm.modules file at the expected location I saw atleast one error due to selinux

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I was using fullscreen.el for so long but now that doesn’t seem to work on Fedora 19 / GNOME 3.8.1. What to do? Following are the steps I did for now. First install wmctrl: $ sudo yum install wmctrl Now add following code to your ~/.emacs configuration file: (defun switch-full-screen () (interactive) (shell-command "wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -btoggle,fullscreen")) (global-set-key [f11] 'switch-full-screen) Restart Emacs and press F11. Thats it!

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